An online Community for the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula

Rivah Life

About Us​

The “Rivah Life” story​

I created this site for the sole purpose of posting upcoming events happening in our area and discussing them as a community. Not a month goes by that I don’t hear of a fun activity that recently took place …  I didn’t know existed, sounded like something I would have enjoyed, and only happens say once a year. 
For almost 2 years I’ve been talking with folks in the community and I think the Discord platform, moderator guidelines and overall framework will meet our needs. It will require us to install an app, but I see this as a better way to control security vs an open browser. (Feel free to research Discord separately and send me feedback / concerns) 

Watch the video on Youtube for a better explanation of some of these points but I’ll list a few here 

A positive place where everyone feels welcome 
– Discussions are put into categories that the audience (you) can subscribe via notifications. 
– A platform managed by local people you can talk to
– No ads other than what we create locally … and the audience can select what, if any, are viewed. 
– 100% of the content is available to everyone, no filtering based on what I viewed previously like most of the social media platforms. 
– Modern features that include the ability to post photos, videos, and even some Audio/Video rooms where folks can hangout. 

Let’s work together to showcase what a great community we have and how we can share it with our friends and neighbors. If other fun things make it in over time – Great!!!   

Rivah Life specific DISCORD Invite –

The free DISCORD App is needed to access the community

Please provide feedback and maybe subscribe to our newsletter